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} else { var wplc_expire_date = new Date(); var minutes = 2; wplc_expire_date.setTime(wplc_expire_date.getTime() + (minutes * 60 * 1000)); Cookies.set('wplc_hide', "yes" , { expires: wplc_expire_date , path: '/' }); } var data = { action: 'wplc_user_close_chat', security: wplc_nonce, cid: wplc_cid, status: wplc_chat_status }; jQuery.post(wplc_ajaxurl, data, function(response) { }); }); //allows for a class to open chat window now jQuery("body").on("click", ".wp-live-chat-now", function() { open_chat(0); }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_minimize_chat", function() { wplc_is_minimized = true; Cookies.set('wplc_minimize', "yes", { expires: 1, path: '/' }); wplc_chat_status = Cookies.get('wplc_chat_status'); if(typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter !== "undefined" && typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter === "function"){ wplc_extra_data = wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter(wplc_extra_data); } if(wplc_chat_status != 5 && wplc_chat_status != 10 && wplc_chat_status != 9 && wplc_chat_status != 8){ if (wplc_online) { var data = { action: 'wplc_user_minimize_chat', security: wplc_nonce, cid: wplc_cid, wplc_extra_data:wplc_extra_data }; jQuery.post(wplc_ajaxurl, data, function(response) { }); } } if (typeof wplc_enable_ga !== "undefined" && wplc_enable_ga === '1' && wplc_online) { if (typeof ga !== "undefined") { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'WP_Live_Chat_Support', eventAction: 'Event', eventLabel: 'Minimize Chat' }); } } }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_start_chat", function() { if (typeof wplc_enable_ga !== "undefined" && wplc_enable_ga === '1') { if (typeof ga !== "undefined") { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'WP_Live_Chat_Support', eventAction: 'Event', eventLabel: 'Start Chat' }); } } }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_open_chat_1", function() { if (typeof wplc_enable_ga !== "undefined" && wplc_enable_ga === '1') { if (typeof ga !== "undefined") { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'WP_Live_Chat_Support', eventAction: 'Event', eventLabel: 'Start Chat - Step 1' }); } } }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_open_chat_2", function() { if (typeof wplc_enable_ga !== "undefined" && wplc_enable_ga === '1') { if (typeof ga !== "undefined") { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'WP_Live_Chat_Support', eventAction: 'Event', eventLabel: 'Start Chat - Step 2' }); } } }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_agent_joined", function(e) { var temail = ''; var tname = ''; var taid = ''; var ta_tagline = ''; var ta_bio = ''; var ta_social_links = ''; if (typeof e.ndata.other.email !== "undefined") { temail = e.ndata.other.email; } if (typeof e.ndata.other.name !== "undefined") { tname = e.ndata.other.name; } if (typeof e.ndata.other.aid !== "undefined") { taid = e.ndata.other.aid; } if (typeof e.ndata.other.agent_tagline !== "undefined") { ta_tagline = e.ndata.other.agent_tagline; } if (typeof e.ndata.other.agent_bio !== "undefined") { ta_bio = e.ndata.other.agent_bio; } if (typeof e.ndata.other.social_links !== "undefined") { ta_social_links = e.ndata.other.social_links; } wplc_current_agent = e.ndata.other; jQuery(".wplc_no_answer").remove(); jQuery(".admin_chat_name").html(tname); wplc_node_pair_name = tname; wplc_agent_name = tname; }); jQuery("body").on("click", "#wplc_start_chat_btn", function() { var wplc_is_gdpr_enabled = jQuery(this).attr('data-wplc-gdpr-enabled'); 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/* start the long polling */ wplc_run = true; wplc_send_welcome_message(); wplc_scroll_to_bottom(); jQuery.event.trigger({type: "wplc_start_chat"}); var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (2 * 60 * 1000)); wplc_cid = Cookies.get('wplc_cid'); if(typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter !== "undefined" && typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter === "function"){ wplc_extra_data = wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter(wplc_extra_data); } if (typeof wplc_cid !== "undefined" && wplc_cid !== null) { /* we've already recorded a cookie for this person */ var data = { action: 'wplc_start_chat', security: wplc_nonce, name: wplc_name, email: wplc_email, cid: wplc_cid, wplcsession: wplc_session_variable, wplc_extra_data:wplc_extra_data }; if(typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_data !== "undefined" && typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_data === "function"){ data = wplc_start_chat_pro_data(data); } } else { // no cookie recorded yet for this visitor var data = { action: 'wplc_start_chat', security: wplc_nonce, name: wplc_name, email: wplc_email, wplcsession: wplc_session_variable, wplc_extra_data:wplc_extra_data }; if(typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_data !== "undefined" && typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_data === "function"){ data = wplc_start_chat_pro_data(data); } } Cookies.set('wplc_name', wplc_name, { path: '/' } ); Cookies.set('wplc_email', wplc_email, { path: '/' } ); wplc_server.send(wplc_ajaxurl, data, "POST", 120000, function(response){ wplc_chat_status = 2; Cookies.set('wplc_chat_status', 2, { expires: date, path: '/' }); wplc_cid = jQuery.trim(response); //All sorted, let's check for message transport mode wplc_server.prepareTransport(function(){ //Transport ready... wplc_server_last_loop_data.status = 2; //Set to waiting if (wplc_filter_run_override === "1" || wplc_online === false) { } else { wplc_call_to_server_chat(wplc_server_last_loop_data); } }, wplc_user_message_receiver, wplc_user_retry_handler, wplc_log_connection_error); }, function(){ //Fails }, function(response, wplc_send_data){ //Complete if (typeof wplc_send_data !== "undefined" && typeof wplc_send_data['action'] !== "undefined" && wplc_send_data['action'] == 'wplc_start_chat') { /* we got here because the short poll (when disabling the initiate chat feature) comes back on the "complete" callback. This check makes sure we restart the longpoll */ wplc_chat_status = 2; Cookies.set('wplc_chat_status', 2, { expires: date, path: '/' }); wplc_cid = jQuery.trim(response); //All sorted, let's check for message transport mode wplc_server.prepareTransport(function(){ //Transport ready... wplc_server_last_loop_data.status = 2; //Set to waiting if (wplc_filter_run_override === "1" || wplc_online === false) { } else { wplc_call_to_server_chat(wplc_server_last_loop_data); } }, wplc_user_message_receiver, wplc_user_retry_handler, wplc_log_connection_error); } } ); }); jQuery("body").on("keyup","#wplc_chatmsg", function(event){ if(event.keyCode === 13){ jQuery("#wplc_send_msg").trigger("click"); } }); jQuery("body").on("click", "#wplc_send_msg", function() { var wplc_cid = jQuery("#wplc_cid").val(); if (wplc_cid.length < 1) { /* failover for wplc_cid */ var wplc_cid = Cookies.get('wplc_cid'); } var wplc_chat = wplc_strip(document.getElementById('wplc_chatmsg').value); if(wplc_chat !== ""){ var wplc_name = jQuery("#wplc_name").val(); if (typeof wplc_name == "undefined" || wplc_name == null || wplc_name == "") { wplc_name = Cookies.get('wplc_name'); } if (typeof wplc_name == "undefined") { wplc_name = 'Guest'; } var wplc_email = jQuery("#wplc_email").val(); if (typeof wplc_email == "undefined" || wplc_email == null || wplc_email == "") { wplc_email = Cookies.get('wplc_email'); } if (typeof wplc_email == "undefined") { wplc_email = ''; } /*Nifty format Parse*/ var wplc_chat_parsed = wplc_chat; if( typeof wplc_display_name !== 'undefined' ){ /** * We're still using the old options */ if(wplc_display_name == 'display'){ if (wplc_gravatar_image.length > 1) { jQuery("#wplc_chatbox").append(""+wplc_gravatar_image+" "+wplc_name+": "+wplc_chat_parsed+"
"); } else { jQuery("#wplc_chatbox").append(" "+wplc_name+": "+wplc_chat_parsed+"
"); } } else { jQuery("#wplc_chatbox").append(""+wplc_chat_parsed+"
"); } } else { the_message = {}; the_message.originates = 2; the_message.msg = wplc_chat_parsed; the_message.other = {}; var wplc_d = new Date(); the_message.other.datetime = Math.round( wplc_d.getTime() / 1000 ); wplc_push_message_to_chatbox(the_message,'u', function() { wplc_scroll_to_bottom(); }); } wplc_scroll_to_bottom(); var data = { action: 'wplc_user_send_msg', security: wplc_nonce, cid: wplc_cid, msg: wplc_chat_parsed, wplc_extra_data:wplc_extra_data }; wplc_server.sendMessage(wplc_ajaxurl, data, "POST", 120000, function(){ //Success wplc_server.asyncStorage(wplc_ajaxurl, data, 120000); }, function(){ //Fail }, function(){ //Complete } ); jQuery.event.trigger({type: "wplc_update_gdpr_last_chat_id"}); if (typeof wplc_enable_ga !== "undefined" && wplc_enable_ga === '1') { if (typeof ga !== "undefined") { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'WP_Live_Chat_Support', eventAction: 'Event', eventLabel: 'User Send Message' }); } } } jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(''); }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_open_chat", function (event) { /* what is the current status? */ wplc_chat_status = Cookies.get('wplc_chat_status'); if( typeof wplc_chat_status === 'undefined' ){ Cookies.set('wplc_chat_status', 5, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); } var wplc_tmp_checker = wplc_pre_open_check_status(status, function() { open_chat(); }); }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_end_chat", function(){ /* Clear Cookies */ Cookies.remove('wplc_chat_status'); Cookies.remove('wplc_cid'); //Cookies.remove('wplc_name'); //Cookies.remove('wplc_email'); /* Close ports if applicable*/ wplc_server.forceClosePort(); /* Check if we should redirect */ if(typeof wplc_redirect_thank_you !== "undefined" && wplc_redirect_thank_you !== null && wplc_redirect_thank_you !== ""){ window.location = wplc_redirect_thank_you; } if(jQuery('#wplc_gdpr_end_chat_notice_container').length > 0){ jQuery("#wplc_gdpr_end_chat_notice_container").fadeIn('fast'); } }); /** End Chat from User Side */ jQuery(document).on("wplc_end_chat_as_user", function(e){ jQuery.event.trigger({type: "wplc_end_chat"}); }); function wplc_pre_open_check_status(status, callback) { if (typeof wplc_chat_status !== 'undefined' && ( typeof wplc_chat_status.length !== 'undefined' && wplc_chat_status.length > 0 ) ) { if (parseInt(wplc_chat_status) === 10 || parseInt(wplc_chat_status) === 7) { /* it was minimized or timedout, now we need to open it - set status to 3 (back to open chat) */ Cookies.set('wplc_chat_status', 3, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); } if (parseInt(wplc_chat_status) === 0 || parseInt(wplc_chat_status) === 12) { /* no answer from agent previously */ // Cookies.set('wplc_chat_status', 5, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); } if (parseInt(wplc_chat_status) === 8) { /* no answer from agent previously */ cnonsole.log("now setting it to 5"); Cookies.set('wplc_chat_status', 5, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); } } callback(); } if(typeof wplc_elem_trigger_id !== "undefined" && wplc_elem_trigger_id !== ""){ var wplc_click_or_hover = 0; var wplc_class_or_id = 0; if(typeof wplc_elem_trigger_action !== "undefined" && wplc_elem_trigger_action !== ""){ wplc_click_or_hover = parseInt(wplc_elem_trigger_action); } if(typeof wplc_elem_trigger_type !== "undefined" && wplc_elem_trigger_type !== ""){ wplc_class_or_id = parseInt(wplc_elem_trigger_type); } try{ jQuery( (wplc_class_or_id === 1 ? "#" : ".") + wplc_elem_trigger_id).on( (wplc_click_or_hover === 1 ? "mouseenter" : "click"), function(){ open_chat(0); }); } catch (e){ console.log("WPLC Error: \"" + (wplc_class_or_id === 1 ? "#" : ".") + wplc_elem_trigger_id + "\" is not a valid selector"); } } }); //open chat window function function open_chat(force){ jQuery.event.trigger({type: "wplc_open_chat_1"}); wplc_chat_status = Cookies.get('wplc_chat_status'); /** * double check we have a cookie. If not, set to 5 so that the chat box can atleast restart */ if( wplc_chat_status == null || wplc_chat_status == 'null' ){ Cookies.set('wplc_chat_status', 5, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); wplc_chat_status = 5; } if (parseInt(wplc_chat_status) == 3 || parseInt(wplc_chat_status) == 2 || parseInt(wplc_chat_status) == 0 || parseInt(wplc_chat_status) == 12) { jQuery.event.trigger({type: "wplc_open_chat_2", wplc_online: wplc_online}); Cookies.set('wplc_had_chat', true, { path: '/' }); wplc_send_welcome_message(); if (parseInt(wplc_chat_status) == 0 || parseInt( wplc_chat_status ) == 11 || parseInt(wplc_chat_status) == 12) { /* user was a missed chat, now lets change them back to "pending" */ wplc_chat_status = 2; } if(typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter !== "undefined" && typeof wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter === "function"){ wplc_extra_data = wplc_start_chat_pro_custom_fields_filter(wplc_extra_data); } if (wplc_online) { var data = { action: 'wplc_user_maximize_chat', security: wplc_nonce, cid: wplc_cid, chat_status : parseInt(wplc_chat_status), wplc_extra_data:wplc_extra_data }; jQuery.post(wplc_ajaxurl, data, function(response) { //log("user maximized chat success"); }); } } else if (parseInt(wplc_chat_status) == 10) { jQuery("#wp-live-chat-minimize").trigger("click"); } else if (wplc_chat_status == 5 || wplc_chat_status == 9 || wplc_chat_status == 8){ if(jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2").is(":visible") === false && jQuery("#wp-live-chat-4").is(":visible") === false){ jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2").show(); jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2-inner").show(); var wplc_visitor_name = Cookies.get('wplc_name'); if(Cookies.get('wplc_email') !== "no email set" && typeof wplc_visitor_name !== "undefined"){ jQuery("#wplc_name").val(Cookies.get('wplc_name')); jQuery("#wplc_email").val(Cookies.get('wplc_email')); } jQuery("#wp-live-chat-header").addClass("active"); } } /*else if (wplc_chat_status == 2){ jQuery("#wp-live-chat-3").show(); } */ else if(wplc_chat_status == 1){ jQuery("#wp-live-chat-4").show(); jQuery("#wplc_social_holder").show(); jQuery("#nifty_ratings_holder").show(); jQuery.event.trigger({type: "wplc_animation_done"}); jQuery("#wplc_chatbox").append(wplc_error_messages.chat_ended_by_operator+"
"); wplc_scroll_to_bottom(); jQuery("#wp-live-chat-minimize").hide(); document.getElementById('wplc_chatmsg').disabled = true; } wplc_is_chat_open = true; }